Blended Families
What is a blended family?
A blended family is a family that has been joined together by relationship or marriage where one or both parents have children from previous relationships.
If you are in a blended family, it is likely that you have experienced one or many of the following:
Difficulty joining family dynamics, values, and responsibilities
Difficulty adjusting to more siblings, a new stepparent, or different parenting styles
Change in house rules, consequences, chores, and expectations that lead to conflict
Conflict due to hardships of coparenting and trying to meet each family member’s needs
There are many positives to a blended family including greater diversity and appreciation for differences, two or more supportive and caring parents, connection between new siblings, and safer or more peaceful environments than previous homes.
We also recognize the hardships that come with the joining of different families. Getting used to a new parent, new siblings, and creating a new family dynamic can be a major adjustment for everyone in the family. Each family is bringing in their own history, dynamic, values, culture, responsibilities, and roles for each member. Joining a blended family can disrupt many of these factors causing disconnection and conflict.
How can therapy help our blended family?
We have many therapists at our practice who are trained to work with various family dynamics. Working with one of our therapists can help your blended family become more unified and connected through better communication, identifying roles and responsibilities of family members, and merging family values and expectations.
Your therapist will create a safe and nonjudgmental space for your family to process this difficult adjustment, as well as guide you through honest and open communication about changes that need to be made for your success. You will collaborate with your therapist to create therapy goals that are most appropriate based on the unique dynamics of your blended family.