Life Adjustments

Are you experiencing distress regarding any of the following life adjustments

  • New job
  • Moving to a new city or state
  • Marriage
  • Divorce/relationship breakup
  • Transitioning from college to adulthood
  • Empty nest/life with adult children
  • Having a baby

Life is full of changes, many of which can be new and exciting stages. Life changes can be planned, while some are unpredictable. Whether or not a major life event is planned, it can still bring overwhelming emotions that are difficult to navigate. These emotions can include anxiety, depression, grief, or anger, which can lead to changes in behavior such as difficulty maintaining a routine, mood swings, feeling out of control, easily irritable, conflict in your close relationships, loss of appetite and sleep, and more.

When is it time to start talking to a therapist?

If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, irritability, grief, or other negative symptoms during or after a life adjustment, then you may need to consider getting assistance from a therapist. Life adjustments and transitions are hard enough, and can feel even more difficult when negative emotional and behavioral changes are added stressors.

It is natural to struggle when aspects of your life such as your routine, social life, family, and environment are changing. As humans, we feel safest when we are comfortable, however, changes and transitions can threaten this safety and stability. When our sense of safety is threatened this can lead to loss of control of our emotions, reactions, and behaviors.

How can therapy help?

Though life changes are natural, the adjustment to them can be complicated at times. Therapy can help create a safe space where you can talk about the range of emotions you are experiencing without judgement (yes, its okay to feel sad after having a baby, even though society tells us we should be so happy!) In talking through your emotions and identifying the adjustment-related concerns, you and your therapist can start to examine ways to adapt to this new normal in a way that feels healthy, soothing, and hopeful. Your therapist will help monitor your symptoms to make sure more serious or intense feelings don’t develop or persist long term. Together, we will work to regain any aspects of joy or stability that may currently feel lost in this new stage of your life.